What's this about white, black, etc armor?
Basically, they are just insanely hacked items that have a white or black color (if you recall, a special item modifier affects color, as such with items like sigon's set). There aren't really any differences between them. Any item type can be found as a "white" or "black" such as rings, armor, bows, boots. They are full of 20-30 mods (yea, in fact, it isn't rare to see an item that was so many mods they won't even display), and each mod is raised well above valid ranges for that affix. Armors most often have +DR (per clvl), +DR, +%DR.

When wearing a full set of these items, characters virtually have "god mode" with a million life/mana, Defense rating near 30K flowing off the character screen, attack rating of 50K, minimum damgage > 20K (max damage is off the charts), all resistances +500%, and a sum of +50 to all skills or so. Of course, no character can be complete without +125% absorb fire/coldghtning and +100 absorb from every equiped item. Also, I'm sure the magic find is in the multiple thousands percentage, and all stats are boosted by 100 easily.

It is not suprising open consists of 90% dueling/pk - just how many times can you kill baal in one hit before it becomes old.

All of this is based on the last time I logged onto open for 10 minutes a year ago. It is suprising blacks and whites are still around, I would have thought they have moved into something new by now.

Diabolic Psyche - the site with Diablo on the Brain!

Messages In This Thread
What's this about white, black, etc armor? - by the Langolier - 04-18-2003, 08:28 AM

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