Scoop! Leaked notes at least partially accurate!
Rinnhart,Apr 11 2005, 03:31 AM Wrote:Well, hunters can't change pets without returning to town, and their pets do jack in a group besides maybe die on the boss and contribute a little dps.[right][snapback]73577[/snapback][/right]

I've seen pets tank or dps. Switching pets in town, where its safe, is not a huge deal. Trying to summon pets in the wild while enemies are pounding are you, is suicide.

Quote:I don't see what the issue is.

Because you have no clue how time consuming shards take. How would you like it if there were no meat/fruit/fish vendors? You had to farm all the food for your pet's happiness. Sure meat stacks, which makes it a helluva lot easier, but add the additional restrictions of casting a low dps spell as your enemy dies, and the mob has to give you experience. So, at 60, 48+ enemies only. Add the additional restriction that you need meat any time you want to play with your pet, you have to fly from azhsara from Ogrimmar (not familiar with Alliance flight paths). Or how about you cannot fill your ammo except by looting? Hmm? You'll feel differently if you cannot have the 'quick recharge' as you do by just going to a vendor, and whistling your pet.

Quote:Rogues are limited by energy, warriors have to generate rage.

Nope. They aren't. Swiftthisle tea, and rage potions, both easily obtainable. But even necessary really, as it comes back in-battle. That doesn't apply for warlocks. We burn our soul shards? Out of luck. There was a 'soul power' bar generated by soul drain suggested, and a lot of folk would love that, but that's not how it works now. You cannot generate soul shards as you can energy, combo points, or rage in battle.
Quote:Many individuals to form a greater whole by contributing fractions of their potential.

Weren't you guys chastised for abusing your class board admin?

Whitewashing the glaring imbalances, and red herring. Blah blah blah. Don't give me that everyone has a role blind ignorance. It doesn't apply PvP. Roles are thrown out the door. Sure you'll still see priests healing, but you'll also see them transforming to shadowform under attack and suddenly blasting everything around them. The most and fastest adaptable win.

With long preperation times, the longest cooldowns, and backloaded damage, warlocks are starving for such adaptability. It takes at least a minute to gain one soul shard in ideal conditions (battle 30 seconds / eat/drinking 30 seconds). Add 5 minutes travel time each way to and from farming areas on top of that.

It takes a base 10 seconds to summon a pet, which is easily worth more than the 20% of our damage it gives us. How would you like to be unable to even use even watered-down spells against an enemy that has no preperation requirement? The existence of a summonable pet is the justification for watered-down spells, not soul shards. Long summoning times because we get 4 different pets to choose from? ok. Fine. Add a reagent that takes 15 minutes to get, and seconds to burn? and is required by all of the above?! That means no pet, and water-ed down spells that can't even be cast. Our offensive and defensive power is cut down greatly. A warlock without shards is a warlock gimped. No shards? There goes our spells. No pet? There goes easily 20% of damage, plus many offensive and defensive options.

Our class board admin totally ignores us, gives us nil in concent when he does answer, and openly plays a mage as his main and preferred class. Anyone who does half a whit of digging shows he gives "I love mage" detailed posts on the mage forums, and redundant robotic like responses stating various broken talents are working as intended, ignore core issues with the warlock, and is simply absent in the warlock forums as a participator.

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Scoop! Leaked notes at least partially accurate! - by Drasca - 04-11-2005, 02:57 PM

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