04-10-2005, 03:24 PM
Ghostiger,Apr 10 2005, 09:59 AM Wrote:I dont expect to match a healing focused priest, but can a paly heal as well as a druid if you build for it?
If you focus on Holy talents and gear that will help you heal can a paly be a primary healer for 5 man groups?
I've always specc'd for a combination of retribution/protection but I would say you could make it up through Sunken Temple. After that, as Quark has already pointed out, it becomes a question of healing quick enough and having the mana to get the job done. I also don't think the longer cast times on heals would be capable of keeping up with when things go wrongâ¢.
This is really a long way 'round of saying "No a healadin can't heal as well as a priest/druid". ;)