All the runewords/horadric cooking in SP?
Feryar,Apr 4 2005, 05:13 PM Wrote:Hi,

Now, I've looked through backpages, googled and searched, but my searching-skills seems to be lacking, so now I'm asking.

I just decided to give D2 a new chance, after not really playing it for ages. Ever since the days of D1, I have been reluctant to play multiplayer. The moron factor has always been high, although I did enjoy a lot of good passworded games in D2C. However, I've decided to give online play a miss this time around, and stick to SP. Partly because I don't want to deal with the hassles of online play all over again, partly because I want to be able to take a couple of months break and come back and still have my characters.

Anyway, as it turns out 1.10 has introduced heaps of runewords and horadric cube recipes only accesible on realms, laddergames and whatnot I feel that I'm missing out on part of the fun in my little singleplayer games. I've paid for D2C twice (lost my copy and the CD-Key with it) and LOD once, and I want to play the whole game, not just a subsection of it.

Is there a mod around that enables all the online-only stuff in singleplayer, and does nothing else? I don't want increased stash, changed mechanics or all the other hulabula. I just want what I paid for.
Is the classic LOD mod the only thing out there that kind of does all this? By the looks of it, it has changed a lot more than just that.

I've been unable to find any such mod, but like I said my searchskills are lacking, so I was hoping anyone out there knew the location of one?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Not that I know of. But I do know there's a clear list of what is and is not usable on arreat summit, or if not there, then

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All the runewords/horadric cooking in SP? - by SetBuilder - 04-05-2005, 02:10 AM

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