So now we've got 10 or 11 Level 60s...
Although I have my own guild to deal with, anytime you guys find yourself in need of a meat shield feel free to give me a yell to see if I'm available... and anytime you're on looking for something to do, same thing applies (after all, my gang might be shorthanded and looking for something to do).

NB for Flyn: Our main group grabbed core fragments last night, so you've got at least five more bodies in the potential MC pool. :) And on that note, unless I'm otherwise occupied I'm perfectly willing to come along on runs to get people to MC for that purpose. After all, I seem to have a bunch of this "dark iron ore" stuff... ;)
Darian Redwin - just some dude now

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So now we've got 10 or 11 Level 60s... - by Darian - 03-31-2005, 06:40 PM

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