03-28-2005, 03:38 PM
SetBuilder,Mar 27 2005, 02:09 PM Wrote:Aight. I'll double check the data. Damage is accurate (~6000), will try changing auras again to double-check.
Screenies are more difficult, as I have no internet connection at home (dialup is too slow, I won't use it, and too lazy to set up high speed), and bringing any files into work is pretty much impossible, as is taking them home.
If I'm mistaken, I apologize, but last time I checked, I coulda sworn it worked like that...
Be careful about believing the Lying Character Screen. :D That said, I think they fixed the problem with Vengeance Damage display when LOD came out.
In any case, for Melee Weapons:
Final_Min_Damage = Weapon_Min_Damage * (Str + 100) / 100
Final_Max_Damage = Weapon_Max_Damage * (Str + 100) / 100
Let's work through the numbers. Let's say you have a strength of 200, and a modest Cruel Collossus Blade of Quickness (ED +250% Enhanced Damage). This means no shield.
Vengeance at 20 with +5 skill adders to combat skills via a +2 rare Circlet, +2 rare amulet, and +1 from, say, Skulder's Ire.
Fanatacism at 20.
Conviction at 20.
For slvl 20 Fanatacism 203-402.5(2+2.14 + 2.14 + 2.14 +3.73) = 12.15(203-402.5) But wait! Divide all of the physical damage by 2 in Hell Difficulty.
203-402.5(2.14 + 2.14 + 2.14 +((2 + 3.73)/2)) = 9.285 x (203-402.5)
Oh, wait, which element is the monster immune to? Which is it resistant to? You lose up to 2.14 multiplier for each Immunity.
Your screen may say one thing, but I don't think the screen accounts for the divide by two bit, :angry: for example, and it does not reflect other Monster Immunities.
Let's look at Conviction @ 20: 203-402.5(2+((1+1.25)2.14 + 2.14 + 2.14 )) = (203-402.5)x = 203-402.5x(16.445) but since we divide Physical damage by 2, it is really 15.445(203-402.5).
You lose about a 4.5 multiple for any elemental immunity the monster has, so we can assume about 11ish x weapons damage for Conviction and about 7ish X weapon's damage for Fanatacism for a one elemental immune, standard 50% PI in Hell. There is the chance that Conviction can break some "immunities" that started as "resistances" for bosses, but that only makes Conviction that much better, so I won't stack the deck. :P
The numbers for comparison are nominal. Considerably higher amounts of raw damage and +skills are possible, which will tilt the numbers a bit here and there. What these numbers illustrate is the advantage of Conviction for a Vengeance build versus Fanaticism. Fanatacism's speed may add a frame break point, and a few more hits per series of seconds, however, Conviction's -DR (90% Monster Defense Reduction) more than makes up for the +AR%(+125%) from Fanatacism. Fewer misses means more aggregate damage. Damage over time is either a wash, or in favor of Conviction.
Lok made a good case for the -DR being a better choice about 4 years ago . . . on a similar topic. :) Check the strat section for his discussion. Last I checked, it is still up. http://www.lurkerlounge.com/content/view/784/123/
The to hit consideration, albeit for a different set up than I posited above, is excerpted from that link. While written for version 1.04 -- so HP and DR for monster is out of date -- how actual "To Hit %" is influenced by -DR versus +AR is germane.
Quote:Consider the case of a Hell Urdar. A hell difficulty urdar has 481 def (see http://darkness.diabloii.net/beastiary/n...nderbore/) and is level 81. Your chance to hit a monster is
Chance = (a/(a+d))*(2l/(l+L))
Where a is your attack, d is the monsters defense, l is your level, and L is the monsters level. Most people are going to experience a hit rate loss from the level difference term, but if you assume for the sake of argument that you have somehow managed to reach level 82, you can discard it. Solving for a we find
Your required attack rating, a = cd/(1-c), where c = your chance to hit.
So lets pick a reasonable hit rate of 75%. To hit this hell Urdar at 75% at level 82, you need an attack rating of 1443. Since you have a 20% bonus to hit with vengeance, you need a base attack rating of 1203.
You attack rating with no gear is, a= dex*4 -28, or a ~ dex*4
So to get this attack rating on dexterity alone, you would need a dexterity of 308 with no attack rating adders. Even if you get really lucky and have +400 attack rating from objects, you would need a 207 dexterity. Almost no paladins will ever want to pump their dexterity that high.
Warm Regards
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete