03-24-2005, 03:28 PM
MongoJerry,Mar 24 2005, 03:57 AM Wrote:Generally, you don't want to assist the tank, because the tank will likely have to switch targets multiple times to make sure to keep aggro on everything. Most groups usually assign someone else to be the Main Assist or MA for short. This is the person who decides what mob should be the next to die. That's the person you should be assisting, and you should make a macro button that automatically assists that person. Most commonly, the assist person is a rogue or spare warrior (in a raid situation), but the hunter him or herself can be an effective MA as well, since then all the other partymembers have to do is follow the bouncing arrow.
This is more like raid advice than 5-man advice, in my tanking experience. In a raid situation, there are often a great many mobs, and the tank has to swap targets whenever one of the ones that wasn't tagged goes after the squishies because of heal aggro. In smaller instances, i.e. anything below Dire Maul, pulls are often small and manageable enough that the tank can easily hold aggro on the entire pull if the party does nothing but assist the main tank. For anything under level 40, splitting the MA and MT roles doesn't really help that much, though it does get you into good habits for later play.