03-22-2005, 05:20 PM
mjdoom,Mar 22 2005, 12:40 PM Wrote:As a warrior (and tank) the last thing I look at is my own health. I assume that the priest has me covered so the only health bar I ever really pay attention to is the priest's. For a majority of the fight I am scanning for mobs and using my various taunts and skills to keep those mobs' attention on me.
Absolutely. The only time I ever even look at my own health in a party is when I know I'm screwed (read: priest has managed to die, priest has just run out of mana, Something Happened and we've got 23 mobs... you know, the usual disaster), and that's just so I can watch in amusement as the little green bar zips down to nothing (usually cackling madly on voice chat about how I'm getting pwned).
This is why I love having someone who's effectively "my own personal priest/healbot." (Yes, Vilatra has a "life" outside of keeping my sorry butt alive, but I almost never go anywhere without Vilatra.) I can count on one hand the number of times the party has survived an encounter in which I was allowed to die, and every single one of those instances was a case where I bought the party time to avoid the wipe. I just don't have to worry about my hit points. Just keep pounding and taunting. My back is covered. It's great.
Darian Redwin - just some dude now