03-14-2005, 05:49 PM
Ghostiger,Mar 13 2005, 06:57 PM Wrote:Druids are nice class to fill in holes but youre better of if those players go with priests.
I strongly disagree with this statement. A druid with decent bear gear and a good party behind him can function as a tank through most of the game. I've tanked in every high level encounter but Molten Core, UBRS and Onyxia. I've tanked a 5-man group in LBRS. I'm not as good as a warrior with similar skills and gear, but I am good enough when the guild is short on tanks.
When we have a better tank around I can function as main healer. As with the tanking role, I'm not quite as good as a priest with similar skills and gear, but good enough to main heal a decent tank and keep the group moving.
I've also seen Innervate and Rebirth save small parties from a total wipe. These are handy skills to have around.
If you have a small guild and will often be short of players, it seems to me that druids able to fill either one of two primary roles would be a good choice. These players need to be willing to learn to play both roles though, and the groups need to be willing to work around their limitations.