What is a Hero?

My own definition would be based on action. A hero is one that performs heroic actions.

My definition of heroic actions would have to contain at a minimum:
1) a *deliberate* action on the part of the hero
2) such action contained a risk to the heros life
3) the result of such action contained no benefit to the hero (expected or otherwise)
4) the result of the action contained a positive outcome for someone other than the hero (or net positive outcome for 'society'??)
5) the hero had an alternative non-heroic action (or inaction) available that would be easier to achieve. (i.e. there was an easy-way-out)
6) The action performed by the hero was not rectification for a situation caused by the hero.

1) Rules out victims as heros. Rules out serendipity.
2) Rules out corporate takeovers:risking money is not heroic, it is a decision based on probability (i.e. expected gain), if the result is an expected loss then it isn't heroic it is gambling/stupidity.
Also rules out sports stars/TV stars etc. (i.e. fame is not a heroic act, no matter how often advertisers/commentators portray it as such)
3) Heroism must be selfless. Rules out fame-seekers etc.
4) Skydiving may require bravery, but is not heroic...
5) Rules out behaviour that was not a choice by the hero. (e.g. stopping your car or running over someone on a pedestrian crossing is not really a choice)
6) Rules out people that (for example) leave their kids unattended at the beach and then have to rescue them.

The only heros I personally know are my father and the rest of his volunteer firefighters team. They meet the criteria as follows:
1) They deliberately choose to become Firefighters, and have to commit to training to become such
2) They face an increased risk of death
3) They get no pay (i.e. it is not their profession). In fact they actually get their pay docked when they attend callouts during work hours. They get no fame for their actions either.
4) Obvious.
5) They aren't forced to join or attend incidents.
6) They aren't arsonists (well, as far as I know :P )

Messages In This Thread
What is a Hero? - by ShadowHM - 03-08-2005, 09:22 PM
What is a Hero? - by Occhidiangela - 03-08-2005, 10:29 PM
What is a Hero? - by whyBish - 03-09-2005, 05:02 AM
What is a Hero? - by jahcs - 03-09-2005, 06:20 PM
What is a Hero? - by Hammerskjold - 03-10-2005, 05:41 PM

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