03-04-2005, 01:50 AM
Quote:I loved how squashing every single one of the bugs brought out Wirth's ghost who handed you a Godly Plate of the Whale and said, "So sorry for being such a putz in that other game. I hope this makes up for it and that you can forgive me so that I may move past this purgatory."
(No, this isn't true. Yes, I did try this, more than once, just in case. )
Oh, you probably just missed a few bugs, better try again...
1. the Tristram-music that's from original Diablo played after rescuing Cain.
2. the Catacomb-music from Diablo played in the Jail levels, I think
Causes rising feelings like "oh yeah, the good old time of playing Diablo...that athmosphere...that feeling...that obs/zod ring...infravision in the catacombs to see who's guarding a library...adria selling a book of firebolt to a lvl 43 mage...the hard way to find out resistances and immunities with a mage...smart target acquisition (STA) and happy foot tactic (HFT) and telekilling with a warrior...running towards a snow witch and casting a fire wall at a distance of 3 squares just about when she starts moving to see her stop walking a second later in the middle of the flames...and so on...". long name for a feeling, though
3. Big D's friendly way to welcome you in his home <_< Could try to say this to my girlfriends parents :D
4. Big D's death animation
5. Cain telling me how lovely my Horadric Cube is whenever I meet him after having dropped that thing...he could simply say that he would want to have it, I then could say "No, old man, I need it, just go away and tell your stories to someone who doesn't know all of them already!", and that's it...actually it's something I hate...so forget it
6. when you rescue Anya and first talk to her after already having killed Baal: she'l have 4 dialogues and one item: almost the best you can get from one click!
7. the only time Ormus doesn't speak of himself in the 3rd person: when he gives you a ring as quest reward and saying "I don't need it anymore" or something like this, if I recall correctly
8. the birds flying around: the green ones in Act III for example
9. the ALT-key (his function in the game, not the key itself *lol*)
10. the way the cows moo...sounds like "mouw mau mow" *rofl*
11. the style of the Chaos Sanctuarium...not that I'd wish my room to look like that :lol:
12. the special comments that some NPCs have for special character classes only. I think Nilhathak says something unique to Necromancers, and Fara to Paladins...
13. running with a high-level character and holy fire/shock/frost aura on him or his merc through Act I, Normal: everything dead before it comes close...funny
14. the Arcaine's Valor I've just ound a few days ago...after several years of playing
15. the fact that this game is still fascinating...after several years!
1,25 dozen things I like...that's enough!