Hydra dmg. Hiow good can it get?

I think your calculations are a bit odd.
When using the skill-calc of www.indiablo.de,

[I just looked at the AS, and they list *135-161* as damage for a vanilla lvl 20 hydra, so my calculations may still be a bit off]

I get the following values:

Hydra lvl 20, 129-153 dam.
Firebolt lvl 20, +60% dam.
Fireball lvl 20, +60% dam.

Fire Mastery lvl 20, +163% to the whole damage calculated before,
adds up to: 749-888 fire damage (per shot of one of the three heads of Hydra)

Or even better (with +6 to skills, for example):

Hydra lvl 26, 188- 218 dam.
Firebolt lvl 20, +60% dam.
Fireball lvl 20, +60% dam.

Fire Mastery lvl 26, +205% to the whole damage calculated before,
adds up to: 1264-1466 fire damage (per shot of one of the three heads of Hydra)

And since you can have four hydras with three heads coevally (well, actually five, but the duration of five existing hydras isn't exactly 2 seconds then - I guess rather 1 - and with running around, five are rather difficult to keep up, so let's compute with four)
that adds up to 4*3*(~1365) = 16380 per spit they make.
I don't know exactly how often they spit, but if we assume 2 times per second, then that is 16380*2 = 32760 fire damage per second.
Now if we assume that there's the non-ideal case that there are several monsters between which the damage is divided, and not every bolt hits:

50% of the bolts hit:
5 monsters:
16380/5 = 3276 fire damage per monster and second.
10 monsters:
16380/10 = 1638 fire damage per monster and second.

25% of the bolts hit:
5 monsters:
8190/5 = 1638 fire damage per monster per second.
10 monsters:
8190/10 = 819 fire damage per monster per second.

The more monsters are targeted, and the more they move, the less efficient Hydra is. But if there are <5 monsters, and they don't run around too frantically, Hydra is a hell of a killer!
In every case, the statements concerning the tactical value of Hydra are seconded once more.

Greetings, Fragbait
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- Bruce Lee

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Post content property of Fragbait (member of the lurkerlounge). Do not (hesitate to) quote without permission.

Messages In This Thread
Hydra dmg. Hiow good can it get? - by Sirbub - 02-18-2005, 07:39 PM
Hydra dmg. Hiow good can it get? - by Doc - 02-18-2005, 08:53 PM
Hydra dmg. Hiow good can it get? - by whathuh - 02-20-2005, 02:00 AM
Hydra dmg. Hiow good can it get? - by Doc - 02-20-2005, 05:17 AM
Hydra dmg. Hiow good can it get? - by whathuh - 02-22-2005, 12:24 AM
Hydra dmg. Hiow good can it get? - by Casperi - 02-26-2005, 06:48 PM
Hydra dmg. Hiow good can it get? - by Fragbait - 02-27-2005, 02:51 PM
Hydra dmg. Hiow good can it get? - by whathuh - 02-27-2005, 07:11 PM

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