lemekim,Feb 23 2005, 01:17 PM Wrote:While I am not sure as to exact nature, but the natural rage generation in combat may only be applicable if you have Anger Management talent. I am going to go on a limb and produce some theorycraft here, but here is what I think happens.I do not have Anger Management on my Warrior, so there was no natural rage generation. I also wasn't attacking (obviously). The only thing that changed my rage value was being hit (and the occasional stance change to clear the bar).
Warriors always have rage decay, however in combat, they also get rage generation equal to rage decay so that you don't actually lose rage if they are not hitting anything. But with 30% reduced rage decay from Anger Management, and rage generation in combat remaining the same, the generated rage will be now higher then what you lose to decay, and you would actually gain rage in combat even if you are not hitting anything. This alone would make this skill as good as Unbridled Wrath, and with only 1 point.
Anger Management is indeed a handy talent for those who can afford it in their builds for the above reason, however.
As a side note, level 5 Unbridled wrath when dual wielding (1h+unarmed for me) generates 0.43 rage per second on average, or 8.6 additional rage in 20 seconds. That's caculated based on tested accuracy data. Anger management trickles roughly 3-4 extra rage in a 20 second period (bloodrage goes to 23-24 reportedly), so 1 point in Anger Management is not quite up to the standard of Unbridled Wrath with a complimentary setup, though for any setup Anger Management is a better value per talent point invested.