02-22-2005, 03:04 PM
Aleri never shields a warrior unless it's absolutely certain that the warrior is going to die right then and there if I don't. I'm much freer about shielding warlocks and mages - they take damage, they get shielded until someone pulls the critters off (usually GG's warrior since Aleri never plays without Gnolack and it's so easy to just speak and say "critter on the mage" the second I shield him). Most of the time though I don't really even have to do that since GG gets the critters off quickly enough and if I'm playing with Lurkers it's even less of a worry since most of them know how to not pull aggro with their squishies anyway, but I like to be safe. Hunters, rogues, pallies, druids generally don't get shielded either because there's no need to most of the time. Maybe I'm just really spoiled because there's always a good tank around with Gnolack, but there aren't that many fights where I have to use much more than the occasional renew on folks with maybe a flash heal thrown in now and then. My priest has a rather boring life most of the time. Maybe I need to random group with her more so she gets some serious healing action going on most of the time. ;)
Intolerant monkey.