02-21-2005, 01:13 PM
Munkay,Feb 20 2005, 06:52 PM Wrote:Charged strike all the way.
Maxed out it has the most incredible damage potential. I've never solo'd an 8 player spawned Baal faster than with my javazon using charged strike. I finished leveling her around level 90, but she was hands down the best character I had. With careful attention to +skills and resists, you can very easily have a +13 LF and CS with max resists in hell.
Charged strike will turn her into one of the fastest killing machines this side of USEast ;).
Hmm. and to think that all I've tried doing is just Jabbing away at Baal (and let the minimal Crushing Blow do its deed... a very slow death for Baal...
I've placed 1 point only in Charged Strike (I think that's +7 to javelin skills) so it makes my CS only at skill level 8 ==> any idea if this is still faster than jabbing Baal to death? Of course, I have still lots of unallocated skill points so I could put some more points into CS if I think it's worth it.
BTW, is there some new v1.10 Javazon guide? I'm not even sure what skills to place for a Javazon, so maybe my Javazon (actually she was a Bowazon-turned-Javazon; started at Bows in Normal and Nightmare and shifted to the shield+javelin setup only in Hell diff) I've placed not that many points into bow skills so I still have unallocated skill points left and thus rely much on +skills stuff.