Stuff to do at 60:
Farm gear for your new alt.
Collect Morrowgrain until you are Exalted with the Nelfs. Then do all of the Winterspring things and get yourself a blue Nightsaber elite mount.
Have your revenge on the Devilsaur in Ungoro crater. Repeatedly.
Actually make something out out of Dark Iron and Arcanite.
Elemental Leatherworking. 'nuff said.
Max cooking. No, better yet, max Fishing.
Visit the closed door to Hyjal, solo.
Visit Old Ironforge... as a Horde character.
Go visit the gryphons (sans master) up by the airstrip on top of Dun Morogh.
Take a screenshot with the IF flag atop Ironforge mountain.
Practice cliff-jumping from the Twin Colossals. Apply the parachutes to the Ungoro Crater and Winterspring --> Azshara jumps.
Visit the Hydraxian Waterlord.
Visit the Demonhunter. Find out what all those crystals and crystalized people really are.
Solo the entire "You are Rakh'likh, Demon" line. Including the last guy.
Try and get into Gilneas.
Swim around the northern side of Eastern Plaguelands.
Beat the demon lord at the bottom of Jadenar in Felwood.
(Rogue) Kill Plugger repeatedly for his Shanker.
Explore Silithus. Swim around the southern coast.
Farm gear for your new alt.
Collect Morrowgrain until you are Exalted with the Nelfs. Then do all of the Winterspring things and get yourself a blue Nightsaber elite mount.
Have your revenge on the Devilsaur in Ungoro crater. Repeatedly.
Actually make something out out of Dark Iron and Arcanite.
Elemental Leatherworking. 'nuff said.
Max cooking. No, better yet, max Fishing.
Visit the closed door to Hyjal, solo.
Visit Old Ironforge... as a Horde character.
Go visit the gryphons (sans master) up by the airstrip on top of Dun Morogh.
Take a screenshot with the IF flag atop Ironforge mountain.
Practice cliff-jumping from the Twin Colossals. Apply the parachutes to the Ungoro Crater and Winterspring --> Azshara jumps.
Visit the Hydraxian Waterlord.
Visit the Demonhunter. Find out what all those crystals and crystalized people really are.
Solo the entire "You are Rakh'likh, Demon" line. Including the last guy.
Try and get into Gilneas.
Swim around the northern side of Eastern Plaguelands.
Beat the demon lord at the bottom of Jadenar in Felwood.
(Rogue) Kill Plugger repeatedly for his Shanker.
Explore Silithus. Swim around the southern coast.