Conquest creates comprehensive Molten Core Guide
Quark,Feb 9 2005, 10:30 PM Wrote:Explanation of what (that I know) went down:

One night they used LoS bugs to split a linked boss group.  So instead of 3 monsters in a boss fight, it was only 1.  Some members even admitted to this.  Blizzard warned everyone in that raid to stop exploiting.

The next night, they pulled a (pretty ingenious) trick with a Warlock / Rogue combo.  Rogue snuck all the way through, aggro'd a boss (and his linked members).  Warlock summoned the Rogue, so the boss group starts running all the way back, grabbing adds along the way.  But the adds were slower than the boss group, so a Vanish or death once the boss group reaches removes the aggro from all other adds, so they skipped the entire content of MC to just grab the boss.  Blizzard then despawned the instance about half an hour into the fight, and suspended accounts that had been present during both nights.

They only did the 2nd thing after the entire instance had bugged out, causing a reset.  That excuse didn't fly with Blizzard, though.  The fact they explained both exploits in detail on the forums shows they've done it.  I don't see how posting logs from the times they've legitametely run through MC exonerates them from the times they haven't.

Everyone who got in trouble cried out "no fair" because they were warned for one exploit, then suspended for another.  Then CQ tries to save its face with stuff like it's "proof" guide.

The rebuttal I saw was more like:

They split mobs with the hunter traps, like has been posted on the official forums many times and to this day no official comment has been made to my knowledge on whether it is an exploit or not.

That the rogue pull:
1) Came with the 2 hounds that are part of the boss pull
2) happened after the raid had moved through the zone to the boss, but they added some members as some had to leave or something to that extent.

To me, the second is a marginal exploit if they indeed fought the boss with the adds. I actually consider it pretty genious tactics. If they had actually played through the content earlier that night, but moved back to a 'safe zone' to pick up some fresh members as they claim they had done, then I would consider it the equivalent of dropping down to the viewing room after a wipe in scholomance.

It's too hard for any of us to judge if the decision was correct or not as none of us were there or know who is right. So far I think Blizzard has been pretty heavy handed on this kind of thing. I wasn't farming Doan, but making a drop from a boss that high 30s will be playing worth 9 silver if sold to an NPC? Making fishing almost completely useless? It wouldn't surprise me if Blizzard put down the hammer too swiftly. At the same time, it would not surprise me if Conquest actually did significantly exploit.
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.

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Conquest creates comprehensive Molten Core Guide - by Concillian - 02-10-2005, 05:55 AM

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