I am playing Morrowind for the first time
Drasca,Feb 4 2005, 10:34 PM Wrote:LOL

I am having this very conversation with Treesh over PM's... Sometimes never can tell when spin-off becomes legitimate posting useful for other people.[right][snapback]67232[/snapback][/right]

I just had to laugh when I saw this thread today. :D BTW, I fired off the next round of PMs. ;)

Drasca,Feb 4 2005, 10:34 PM Wrote:Go to www.elderscrolls.com 's Morrowind Mod forums too. Great people.
Linkage to the Mod forums that Drasca mentioned. Be sure to read the Welcome thread which will give you handy info such as the most popular mod hosting sites and such. Many good links in there.

Also, in case you're interested in making your own mods (I don't know if you have the spare time or inclination to do so), visit the Construction Set forums, especially this thread. Of course, if you'd rather just use mods than make them, just ignore all this. :) The TESCS may seem a bit bewildering at first, but since the game has been out for so long, there are plenty of good tutorials out there now.

Hooray for Morrowind plus expansions! :D Can't wait for Oblivion to come out and see what improves/changes. :)

Edit: Whew. Bad quoting tags by me. Fixed.

Edit again: If you like to collect books in the game, the Book Rotate mod is a must as well. Instead of just having piles of books on the floor or stuck away in chests, BookRotate will let you rotate books so you can place them on shelves the way books are meant to be stored. The latest version even allows you to use the podiums/lecturns that tilt the books.
Intolerant monkey.

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I am playing Morrowind for the first time - by Treesh - 02-05-2005, 03:42 PM

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