04-10-2003, 05:45 PM
I don't think T-Storm really counts as an actual damage as it only hits one target every few seconds and is a cast and forget spell...
It's too bad you don't make the more exotic sorceresses builds as they are much much much more fun than the usuals, I even tried to make a Druid with Arctic Blast (like a sorc with inferno) too bad Arctic Blast simply stink and has no mastery so it didn't work out :)
It's too bad you don't make the more exotic sorceresses builds as they are much much much more fun than the usuals, I even tried to make a Druid with Arctic Blast (like a sorc with inferno) too bad Arctic Blast simply stink and has no mastery so it didn't work out :)
"Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards, and seal the hushed casket of my soul" - John Keats, "To Sleep"