Need help for a 78 light sorc
Quote:My gear is as follows:
ancient armor with 4 PTopaz
Ammy, light gaunt and light plateted boots of luck
Belt with 24 fast hit recovery and some resist
Jewelers great helm with 3Ptopaz
and I battle staff with some light mods on it

I am kinda hopeing on working on a tal set but dont know where to get the peices.


From the Gear you list you appear to have 96 + ~90 + 72 ~= 258 Magic Find, which is definately good enough to find decent stuff.
Also, it appears you have Resistances on both Nightmare and Hell.

There are only two ways to get newer and better stuff. Find it yourself. Best place to magic find, I would suggest Nightmare Baal runs and Hell pit runs. Both areas should be rather easy kill sections for you. Or, Trade for it. Since you did not mention where you are playing, Single Player / Open Battle.Net / TCP or Non-Ladder Battle.Net or Ladder Battle.Net, I'll make my gear recomendations with each in mind.

Gear improvement recomendations:
1. Shako socket with PTopaz (Nightmare Baal can drop)
2. Tarnhelm socket with PTopaz (Anywhere)
3. Your current helm

1. Tal Rasha's Guardianship (Hell Pit run, Hell Meph and beyond, extremely rare)
2. Skulder's Ire (Nightmare Meph and beyond)
3. Wealth Runeword (LEM KO TIR)
4. Your current armor

1. Tal Rasha's Fine Spun Cloth (don't remember if nightmare baal can drop this or not but findable in most/all of hell difficulty)
2. Arachnid Mesh (Hell Pit low chance, Act4 Hell and beyond best bet, rare)
3. Goldwrap (Normal Meph and beyond)
4. Crafted Caster Belt
5. Disciple Credendum (Nightmare Baal and beyond)

1. Nagel (anywhere)
2. Stone of Jordan (nightmare and beyond)
3. Faster cast rare/crafted with resistances

1. Tal Rasha's Adjudication (Nightmare and beyond)
2. +3 Lightning Skills of Luck (Hell)
3. +2 Sorceress, with resistances and magic find (Hell)

1. Chance Guards (anywhere)
2. Magefist (anywhere)
3. Rare/crafted with magic find

1. Rare/crafted with magic find
2. War Traveler (Nightmare Baal and beyond)

1. Occulus (Nightmare Mephisto and beyond)
2. Gull Dagger (anywhere)
3. Blade of Ali-baba (nightmare)

1a. Spirit Runeword (TAL THUL ORT AMN) only available on Ladder; needs 156 strength to lift a Monarch shield (lightest 4 socket shield)
2a. Splendor Runeword (ETH LUM) only available on Ladder or Non-Ladder
3. Rhyme Runeword (SHAEL ETH)
4. Lidless Wall
5. PDiamond Shield

Now, my sorceress has the following
Occulus, Spirit, Tal Rasha's Guardianship/Fine Spun Cloth/Adjudication, Shako, Magefist and War Traveler, rare ring, nagel ring.

This set up gives her good resistances in hell difficulty (40 fire, 60 cold, 75 lightning, 20 poison), 9 skills, ~100% faster cast, and ~400% magic find.

Only Tal Rasha's Guardianship was traded for, all other parts were magic found.

For faster cast rates use the following calculator It is in German, Zauberin = Sorceress normal spell casting speed, Zauberin (Blitzschlag/Kettenblitz) = Sorceress Lightning/Chain Lightning. Use the appropriate one to see your faster caster options and needs.

Mercenary of choice in my opinion is a Nightmare Act2 Defensive (Holy Freeze).
Weapon, the higher the damage and faster the better.
Armor, as high defense as possible
Helm, Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest
and give him Ethereal Items if at all possible, since items don't lose durabilty on a merc.

Well I am out of time here, so good hunting.
[Image: ThiefLogo.jpg]

"What cannot kill you, isn't worth fighting." - Anon.
Chameleon, The Lost Thief *Fades away into the darkness*

Messages In This Thread
Need help for a 78 light sorc - by Sirbub - 01-30-2005, 05:39 AM
Need help for a 78 light sorc - by Chameleon - 01-30-2005, 07:19 AM
Need help for a 78 light sorc - by Sirbub - 01-30-2005, 10:25 PM
Need help for a 78 light sorc - by Chameleon - 01-31-2005, 12:21 PM
Need help for a 78 light sorc - by Sirbub - 01-31-2005, 08:39 PM
Need help for a 78 light sorc - by ShadowHM - 02-01-2005, 12:30 AM
Need help for a 78 light sorc - by Sirbub - 02-01-2005, 05:33 AM

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