01-28-2005, 08:35 PM
Minor comment:
Smoking is a choice. No one forces you into it (second-hand smoke aside). It's something you either do or don't do, of your own volition, and although quitting may be difficult, it too is of your own volition. Same goes for taking all your vitamins or wearing a hat in the cold. But being born into obesity or a higher risk of hearth disease is completely beyond your control. Whether you do anything to improve your odds in life, to change your situation for the better, IS a personal choice that you do or don't do of your own volition, but otherwise you have no control over the aforementioned factors. As such, it's a bit of a flawed analogy.
Just had to comment on that.
As for my personal feelings on the matter.... given that the company is directly related to healthcare, have given ample notice to all their employees, have gone out of their way to give aid to the smokers in their employ to help them quit (an altogether very expensive and trying ordeal), and have not yet actually "fired" anyone for their transgressions, I'm inclined to side with the company on this one. The media may want to spin it out to be some heinous crime, but IMHO I see no fault. I'm no lawyer, but they sounded like they had all their legal ends covered. Besides, they've done WAY more than most companies would to ensure a minimal hassle with the new policy, and I might add way more than would be legally required.
Personally, I see no case, and think the issue is set and done. Smokers want to smoke, find a new job. IMHO, this policy should apply to ANYONE involved directly with healthcare, most notably nurses, doctors, and medical students, especially since that category of work holds the highest amount of smokers out of any employ, to my recollection. But, that's just my opinion, and I don't expect many (if any) people to agree with my views.
gekko,Jan 28 2005, 02:16 PM Wrote:The only difficult part I foresee is where the line has to be drawn (i.e. not eating 100% of the recommended vitamins every day? smoking? obesity? not wearing a hat when it's too cold? being born into a family with higher than average risks of heart disease?). I suppose this is simply one of the inherent problems with health care -- it naturally favours the sick; it doesn't actually encourage being healthy.
Smoking is a choice. No one forces you into it (second-hand smoke aside). It's something you either do or don't do, of your own volition, and although quitting may be difficult, it too is of your own volition. Same goes for taking all your vitamins or wearing a hat in the cold. But being born into obesity or a higher risk of hearth disease is completely beyond your control. Whether you do anything to improve your odds in life, to change your situation for the better, IS a personal choice that you do or don't do of your own volition, but otherwise you have no control over the aforementioned factors. As such, it's a bit of a flawed analogy.
Just had to comment on that.
As for my personal feelings on the matter.... given that the company is directly related to healthcare, have given ample notice to all their employees, have gone out of their way to give aid to the smokers in their employ to help them quit (an altogether very expensive and trying ordeal), and have not yet actually "fired" anyone for their transgressions, I'm inclined to side with the company on this one. The media may want to spin it out to be some heinous crime, but IMHO I see no fault. I'm no lawyer, but they sounded like they had all their legal ends covered. Besides, they've done WAY more than most companies would to ensure a minimal hassle with the new policy, and I might add way more than would be legally required.
Personally, I see no case, and think the issue is set and done. Smokers want to smoke, find a new job. IMHO, this policy should apply to ANYONE involved directly with healthcare, most notably nurses, doctors, and medical students, especially since that category of work holds the highest amount of smokers out of any employ, to my recollection. But, that's just my opinion, and I don't expect many (if any) people to agree with my views.
Roland *The Gunslinger*