Tales of the PvP server!
Nice story :). I know PvP isn't terribly popular here at the LL, but I can say that easily my most entertaining experiences in the game have been all PvP related. Yes, I get ganked here and there (esp. in the gank-rich 20-30 level range), but it's pretty much only around the towns, and it never does much more than make me lose a minute to get back to what I was doing (or call in some reinforcements and get sweet revenge). The rest of the time PvP adds a great dynamic to the game. Not to mention people tend to be surprisingly honorable, I very rarely get attacked when I'm fighting mobs.

A few PvP experiences over the last few days, off the top of my head:
-Splintertree post is frequently harassed by nelf rogues. I like to pop by there and defend when I can. Tonight I chased off three of them (1 my level, 2 below). I rode one of them down across half of ashenvale (mithril spurs and carrot allowed me to catch him and destroy him before he reached the safety of astranaar). There's nothing quite so satisifying as getting the jump on some gankers. People who spend all their time killing people 20 levels under them in challenge-free combat tend to be laughably bad when they get in a real fight.

-Attempted to defend the Undercity from a massive (over 50 people) alliance raid ( Some pics: http://www.aphasic.com/wow/uc_raid1.jpg http://www.aphasic.com/wow/uc_raid2.jpg ) and the fought a really confusing and tricky battle ( http://www.aphasic.com/wow/uc_raid5.jpg http://www.aphasic.com/wow/uc_raid7.jpg ).

-Our party was on our way to blackrock, and just as we crested the ridge before the gate we see 10 alliance standing outside. There were 5 of us and a couple horde stragglers from another group. There was this downright awesome tense pause as everyone assessed the situation, then a gnome rogue stealthed on the other side, and all hell broke loose. The battle raged for several minutes, but at the end of it, we emerged the victor (the few of us left standing anyway).

-I'm questing in Anderhol (a town in Eastern Plaquelands packed very tightly with undead). I come around a corner and end up face to face with a paladin. He /waves at me, which most people respect. I /wave back, and go about mob killing. ( the reason people tend to respect this isn't necessarily a sense of honor or anything, it's that they know if they kill you, you're going to come back at them, and no one is going to get anything done ). Anyway, a few minutes later I'm killing a skeleton and this paladin decides to attack me now that his two rogue friends have shown up. Hitting a priest in a place like that is a fantastically bad idea, one psychic scream later they each have 2-3 mobs on them a piece. I duck around a corner where I had noted a couple of my fellow horde. I group up with them, and we prepare for the fight. Once they regroup, they come at me again, not noticing that I now have not only a mage with me, but a stealthed rogue as well. It's a very brief 3 on 3 battle, and we engage in several more battles with them until they are forced to flee Anderhol entirely.

Heh, I'm the one rambling now, I could go on for a while. Point is, PvP, for all it's occasional frustrations, adds a really exciting secondary challenge to the game (at least from the perspective of some of us).

Bob the Beholder,Jan 27 2005, 05:32 AM Wrote:Two or three in, a druid spell comes out of nowhere--Moonfire I think it's called--and hits my pet. My pet! What the hell? So I finally remember to hit Track Humanoid, checked my minimap, found a blip called 'Nitney,' and turned around towards it. A Night Elf druid. Level... 21. What the hell is a level 21 druid doing attacking a 23 hunter? Probably all that 'blaargh hunters suck at pvp' stuff people in the majority of the WoW forums keep going on about.

This is morphing into "nerf hunters" in PvP. A properly played (perfected kiting and that crazy mid-air 180 back shot while kiting) and spec'd hunter ( from what I gather, this involves some critical skills in survival, counterattack in particular ) -- is easily one of the toughest opponents for a lot of classes. Hunters don't get much love when people are building an instance group, but I don't hear too many people dissing hunters PvP abilities, at least on Tichondrius.

Messages In This Thread
Tales of the PvP server! - by Bob the Beholder - 01-27-2005, 05:32 AM
Tales of the PvP server! - by malphigian - 01-27-2005, 08:43 AM
Tales of the PvP server! - by Artega - 01-27-2005, 01:00 PM
Tales of the PvP server! - by Tal - 01-27-2005, 02:15 PM
Tales of the PvP server! - by malphigian - 01-27-2005, 04:05 PM
Tales of the PvP server! - by Artega - 01-27-2005, 08:17 PM
Tales of the PvP server! - by Bolty - 01-27-2005, 08:51 PM
Tales of the PvP server! - by Tal - 01-27-2005, 09:15 PM
Tales of the PvP server! - by malphigian - 01-27-2005, 09:28 PM
Tales of the PvP server! - by Cryptic - 01-27-2005, 10:07 PM
Tales of the PvP server! - by malphigian - 01-28-2005, 02:27 AM
Tales of the PvP server! - by Artega - 01-28-2005, 05:02 AM
Tales of the PvP server! - by vor_lord - 01-28-2005, 10:46 PM
Tales of the PvP server! - by malphigian - 01-29-2005, 09:53 PM
Tales of the PvP server! - by Bob the Beholder - 01-31-2005, 06:45 AM
Tales of the PvP server! - by Artega - 01-31-2005, 10:07 AM
Tales of the PvP server! - by Tal - 01-31-2005, 02:07 PM
Tales of the PvP server! - by Artega - 01-31-2005, 02:13 PM
Tales of the PvP server! - by Tal - 01-31-2005, 02:35 PM
Tales of the PvP server! - by Bob the Beholder - 01-31-2005, 04:52 PM
Tales of the PvP server! - by Tharn - 01-31-2005, 06:33 PM
Tales of the PvP server! - by MongoJerry - 01-31-2005, 09:32 PM
Tales of the PvP server! - by Bob the Beholder - 02-04-2005, 07:02 AM
Tales of the PvP server! - by vor_lord - 02-04-2005, 04:20 PM

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