Hotkey layouts
I set my skill bars up by function: I have a bar for soloing, a bar for healing (my current main char is a Druid) , and a bar with sundry utility spells which I rarely use in combat. I have the bars hot-keyed to '[', ']' and ';', which aren't used anywhere else in the default UI.

Notice that for a Druid the main bar changes when you shift forms. There is an alternative main bar for both cat and bear form. This works great if I'm using the main (soloing) bar. If the healing bar is up and I shift forms, I have to remember to bring up the main bar in order to access the appropriate skills for that form. This has caught me several times in the heat of battle, and gotten me killed at least once.

I also find that using Alt-1 through Alt-0 to cast buffs and heals on oneself is faster in battle than first targeting yourself and then casting.

Messages In This Thread
Hotkey layouts - by mjdoom - 01-25-2005, 03:05 PM
Hotkey layouts - by Treesh - 01-25-2005, 04:30 PM
Hotkey layouts - by Bobman - 01-25-2005, 07:04 PM
Hotkey layouts - by Cryptic - 01-25-2005, 07:12 PM
Hotkey layouts - by DarkCrown - 01-25-2005, 07:48 PM
Hotkey layouts - by Treesh - 01-25-2005, 08:27 PM
Hotkey layouts - by Icebird - 01-25-2005, 09:03 PM
Hotkey layouts - by vor_lord - 01-25-2005, 10:31 PM
Hotkey layouts - by WarLocke - 01-25-2005, 10:55 PM
Hotkey layouts - by Treesh - 01-25-2005, 11:19 PM
Hotkey layouts - by vor_lord - 01-25-2005, 11:31 PM
Hotkey layouts - by Treesh - 01-25-2005, 11:40 PM
Hotkey layouts - by Kevin - 01-25-2005, 11:44 PM
Hotkey layouts - by Ruvanal - 01-26-2005, 01:11 AM
Hotkey layouts - by Icebird - 01-26-2005, 07:21 AM
Hotkey layouts - by Professor Frink - 01-26-2005, 09:41 AM
Hotkey layouts - by vor_lord - 01-26-2005, 03:00 PM
Hotkey layouts - by vor_lord - 01-26-2005, 03:03 PM
Hotkey layouts - by Treesh - 01-26-2005, 03:05 PM
Hotkey layouts - by vor_lord - 01-26-2005, 03:20 PM
Hotkey layouts - by Icebird - 01-26-2005, 05:10 PM
Hotkey layouts - by mjdoom - 01-26-2005, 11:00 PM
Hotkey layouts - by LochnarITB - 01-27-2005, 09:26 PM
Hotkey layouts - by vor_lord - 01-27-2005, 09:30 PM
Hotkey layouts - by Treesh - 01-27-2005, 09:47 PM
Hotkey layouts - by Xanthix - 01-28-2005, 05:07 AM
Hotkey layouts - by Kevin - 01-28-2005, 02:20 PM
Hotkey layouts - by Xanthix - 01-28-2005, 02:26 PM

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