I'm new. Yes, new. Please enlighten me.
I'm wondering about MF, drops, and Resistances.

I read about the issue with MF from way back, but haven't found any information regarding how it works since the fix. I'm assuming more is simply better, now, but was hoping someone could clerify this for me. MF only has an effect on the occurrence of Magic, Rare, Set, and Unique items, right?

I believe Uniques, Super Uniques, and Bosses respectively all have a better chance of dropping any of the 4 magical item types. (Where do Champions fall?) Simply put, higher level enemies = better drops, right?

I'm pretty sure Resistances are capped just like money, in that it's (cap) based on your character's level. Is this correct?

Messages In This Thread
I'm new. Yes, new. Please enlighten me. - by Wyrm - 01-18-2005, 12:47 AM
I'm new. Yes, new. Please enlighten me. - by Donquonz - 01-22-2005, 12:14 PM

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