01-21-2005, 02:56 PM
Blizzard announced they've removed the boat from Menethil Harbor to Auberdine on the following servers:
- Lightbringer<>
- Cenarius<>
- Uther<>
- Kilrogg<>
- Proudmoore<>
- Hyjal<>
- Frostwolf<>
- Ner'zhul<>
- Kil'Jaeden<>
- Blackrock<>
- Tichondrius<>
- Silver Hand<>
- Doomhammer<>
- Icecrown<>
- Deathwing<>
- Kel'Thuzad<>
- Destromath<>
- Gorgonnash<>
- Dethecus<>
- Spinebreaker<>
They've been replaced by NPCs that you talk to for your travel needs instead. Makes me glad I decided to move my characters off of Spinebreaker and Tichondrius a while ago. ;)
Intolerant monkey.