Working on a Zealot (or other type of pally)
If you want an item-independant build, a Fanatic Zealot is one of the most efficient ones. Your skill framework looks good for the most part - but remember to drop the token point into Vengeance for a hedge against physical immunes/stone skin. Your necro friend's Amp Damage won't break all of them.

Basically, a few points in Holy Shield, pumped-up Zeal and Sacrifice, and the aura of your choice will let you cover all of Normal and most of Nightmare. Fanaticism is the classic aura for a Zealer, giving solid bonuses to AR, damage, and attack speed. Holy Shock is also doable, but it's more point-intensive, requiring investments in the aura's synergies as well as the existing skills. Also, it provides no real benefit to the skeleton army, and can end up drawing a lot of extra fire your way.

The Avenger build is painfully mana-dependant for average Joes like you and me. If you want to go that route anyway, keep Holy Shield and inflate Conviction up as high as you can get it. Also, look to the synergies for added damage rather than the skill itself to keep the mana cost down. I'd actually recommend leaving Vengeance at level 1 until you're certain your mana leeching can support more. Don't worry too much about your chance to hit, because the character screen doesn't take into account the huge defense reduction from Conviction.

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Working on a Zealot (or other type of pally) - by Zingydex - 01-19-2005, 12:25 AM

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