01-08-2005, 03:46 PM
Occhidiangela,Jan 7 2005, 05:26 PM Wrote:a
I did not drop by a lot before D2 was released, was a bit of a DSF reg/rat up to that point. D2 beta, which I was not in, was "lurk mode" for me, as was the stress test. That mess, back when there was still a DSF channel on bnet, was a complete frustration for me on dial up, what with a 300AMD Athalon machine and a "4 meg on the mo board" video card. I remember waxing poetic at DSF on how much my head hurt from watching the Blood Moor and Cold Plains graphics in D2, with a stress test Barbarian, as compared to the non headache inducing graphics in D1. *chortle*
Heck, I'm actually a relative newbie. My first post here wasn't even under my usual nick.
There actually still is a DSF channel on b.net, but the odds of finding anyone that isn't a bot there have been pretty slim for a year or three.
As for the stress test, it ran perfectly fine on my 200 Mhz Pentium MMX. It was great fun collecting chipped sapphires and putting them into scimitars for the uber build! When the real game came out and graphics got more complicated than a barbarian swinging a couple scimitars, it turned into a slide show.
Compared to Jarulf, Pete, and Thecla, we are all newbies. ;)