Star Trek variant (somewhat long read)
Some ideas for the Borg. For the borg, destruction of organism's which could be assimilated is a waste of resources. Therefore, the borg should attempt to assimilate (Conversion) all living organisms and use them to aid in his battle. Of course, attempts should be made to reconect any rogue drones to the collective.

Also, do away with cleansing, salvation, and defiance. The other threeresists better show the borg's abilities because, though he can adapt to his situation, they are not infinitely adaptable.

Great ideas, I'll probably do it that way.

Also, do away with zeal (just seems cheesy) and concentration (borg are slow as hell, why would they have uninteruptable attacks?)

Right, and I think about removing running - I have yet to see a Borg running after somebody.

Also, Don't borg need to connect to the collective to recharge? You could show this by having all potions need to be purchased from town (none piced up)

Not sure about that, I'll try to find good information about the Borg.

If all goes well, I should be able to update the document and bring it online before the weekend. I have lots of new ideas now !
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Star Trek variant (somewhat long read) - by Jedi Knight - 04-09-2003, 01:18 AM

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