01-05-2005, 12:23 PM
Tal,Jan 5 2005, 12:08 AM Wrote:This is why I don't believe in questioning someone on how long they've been a Lurker just to play with us. Though if I wished to be snarky I could question the use of "Active" to describe a handful of posts prior to the WoW Beta. But this is what I get for trying to be a nice guy and thinking well "LavCat is a name I recognize. Anyone who is related to Lav MUST be a good person to be in the guild." Damn me for my trusting ways! :rolleyes: [/sarcasm]
He was a member of the guild prior to posting on the Lounge. I have no idea if he was a member of Basin or not. When I inquired to him about how he got into the guild he indicated he was a friend of yours.
Clearly since I have already stated as such.
No I am realistic in my expectations of the folk that play on Stormrage that they will want to guild with their friends and family. Rather than creating a hostile environment by informing people they cannot do this I have made what I feel is a fair compromise. Thanks for kicking my good intentions in the teeth.
It has been more than ten months since Ynir first posted on the lounge. In addition he and Spangles would have been well known to anyone playing in basin DII games on USEast or attending basin weekly chat, and at least recognized by someone more than casually reading the basin forums, as many lurkers do.
I certainly am not asking that qualification for guild membership be based on post count. I do expect that someone invited into our guild would have some history with the lounge (or from the basin). I don't wish to kick anyone or their good intentions in the teeth. However I despise what you call a compromise.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."