Pally Dex/Block rate/FHR questions....
Blocking is as follows: block%=[blocking x (dex-15)/(character level x 2) also note that holy shield can further boost your block rate.
so without holyshield you'd have... block%=[97x86/(2x chactercter level)] so it'd be 4171/character level, so at clevel 73 (minimum req for ss) you'd have 57% blocking of a maximumum 75%. So erm working backwards...
y=[97 x (X-15)]/150 would grant you max blocking... so just put in your level for y, and solve for X and you'll get the required dex for that level.
The breaks for a paladin on fhr are 32 and 152% (32 granting 3 frame, and 152% granting 2 frame).

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Pally Dex/Block rate/FHR questions.... - by Saga_Keeper - 04-08-2003, 09:52 PM

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