So, the high school diploma, usually obtained at great great taxpayer expense but with little effort from the students, is a worthless bit of paper that will not even get one into a mail clerk position. Much less having inspired the student to a lifetime of persuing knowledge. Thus, having pissed away the cost of twelve potential years of education, the state then refuses to provide a chance at a real education at a reasonable (or, prefferably, no) cost.
Now, it is to the state's benefit to have an educated population. It increases productivity, it gives a more informed voter base capable of making better decisions, it drives innovation and creativity benefitting both the economic and the intellectual life. It gives us leaders in government, in industry, in science, in the arts, that would make this the paridise it should be. Indeed, the only drawback of an educated citizenry would be to the present generation of politicians who could no longer persuade 90% of the population with their lies.
The solution? Perhaps the first thing that needs to be done is to reexamine the purpose of an education. Is the cost of sports programs for a few select athletes worth it? Are extra-curricular activities more important than core studies? Should there be a minimum requirment for each grade and for the diploma? And should that bar be *above* ground level, or should anyone be able to crawl over it? Is 'an education' an entitelment that everyone should be given, or should the right be to a chance at an education for everyone?
If the money presently spent on K-12 education were actually used to 'educate' in a competitive environment where not all could make it but all would have an equal chance, then there would be little need for junior colleges, for most of the so-called 'universities' that are nothing but glorified trade schools, not even for many of the present four year colleges. The high school diploma would be a sufficient preperation for life, as it once was, for those not interested in some rarefied specialization.
With the savings from not trying to run a baby-sitting service, the state would have more than enough to completely fund capable students through an advanced degree. The funding, of course, would be contingent on acceptable progress, both in quantity and in quality. The value recieved for this expense would be educated people at the advanced levels who wouldn't be leaving the country when their student visa experied.
PS As to the original question, it brings to mind, "for Athos this is too much; for the Comte de la Fère it is too little." Unlike a few hundred, which I'd just play away, or a few million, which would seriously change my lifestyle, $50,000 would have little impact. It's too much to blow but not enough to seriously do anything with (it isn't even enough to pay for flight training through multi and get a decent plane). I'd probably just toss it into my investment account, where it would make a small but noticable difference.
Occhidiangela,Dec 12 2004, 10:21 PM Wrote:Simple: There is a quality cut after high school. Even as lax as entry may seem, you have to compete to get into university. Also, it aint cheap to run a university.I think that that mostly misses the point. The way education is handled in the USA is a disgrace. K-12 education in many places is little more than a glorified baby-sitting service. 'Relevance' and the desires of the business community have removed much, if not most, of the material which would actually educate (as in 'expose to thought provoking material') the students.
The min requirements are provided for by the State. The rest boils down to "How bad do you want it?" If you don't want it, for sure don't pay for it and waste everyone's time.
Higher education is not an entitlement. It's more like a sewer: You get out of it depends a great deal on what you put into it.
So, the high school diploma, usually obtained at great great taxpayer expense but with little effort from the students, is a worthless bit of paper that will not even get one into a mail clerk position. Much less having inspired the student to a lifetime of persuing knowledge. Thus, having pissed away the cost of twelve potential years of education, the state then refuses to provide a chance at a real education at a reasonable (or, prefferably, no) cost.
Now, it is to the state's benefit to have an educated population. It increases productivity, it gives a more informed voter base capable of making better decisions, it drives innovation and creativity benefitting both the economic and the intellectual life. It gives us leaders in government, in industry, in science, in the arts, that would make this the paridise it should be. Indeed, the only drawback of an educated citizenry would be to the present generation of politicians who could no longer persuade 90% of the population with their lies.
The solution? Perhaps the first thing that needs to be done is to reexamine the purpose of an education. Is the cost of sports programs for a few select athletes worth it? Are extra-curricular activities more important than core studies? Should there be a minimum requirment for each grade and for the diploma? And should that bar be *above* ground level, or should anyone be able to crawl over it? Is 'an education' an entitelment that everyone should be given, or should the right be to a chance at an education for everyone?
If the money presently spent on K-12 education were actually used to 'educate' in a competitive environment where not all could make it but all would have an equal chance, then there would be little need for junior colleges, for most of the so-called 'universities' that are nothing but glorified trade schools, not even for many of the present four year colleges. The high school diploma would be a sufficient preperation for life, as it once was, for those not interested in some rarefied specialization.
With the savings from not trying to run a baby-sitting service, the state would have more than enough to completely fund capable students through an advanced degree. The funding, of course, would be contingent on acceptable progress, both in quantity and in quality. The value recieved for this expense would be educated people at the advanced levels who wouldn't be leaving the country when their student visa experied.
PS As to the original question, it brings to mind, "for Athos this is too much; for the Comte de la Fère it is too little." Unlike a few hundred, which I'd just play away, or a few million, which would seriously change my lifestyle, $50,000 would have little impact. It's too much to blow but not enough to seriously do anything with (it isn't even enough to pay for flight training through multi and get a decent plane). I'd probably just toss it into my investment account, where it would make a small but noticable difference.
How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?