What issues do you think are most important
Chaerophon,Dec 12 2004, 01:58 AM Wrote:First of all, I'm not agreeing with Ashkael that Americans are, in general, 'stupider' than are the people of any other nation.

But, as a counter to what is implied by the rest of your posts in this thread, I'll clear up the above.  The answer is: abundant access to resources.  High population.  Distance from military attack.  British market as a source for early development.  Inherited heritage of merfcantilist/capitalist development strategies.  Not because they are inherently 'smarter'.  They may be comparatively 'smart' now, when compared to less developed countries, as a result of the infrastructural developments facilitated by factors such as these.

Of course, I've just given you an opportunity to yap some more.  I'd hate to have to make you look foolish again, but, have at 'er if you will.

Cherry picking is a dangerous habit, Chaerphon. Chaerry picking? :blink: .

Consider as well energy, and a system that allowed a middle class to thrive, and a connection to GLOBAL trade since colonial days. I'd venture to say the linkage to the British trade system is too narrow, and Meade would probably agree. (Well, I agree with him, he's published. :lol: )

Energy: both available in material form and within the citizenry. The room to expand was key, I will agree, on preventing more wars than there were from continually setting back social progress. Population pressure thus did not work its dirty deeds on this side of the pond the way it did "in old country," as my uncle Kosta used to call it.

The American work ethic, industriousness, was one of the real strengths of this nation for a couple of centuries. There has been a perception of that characertistic having been watered down, funnily enough, since about the era of emphasizing diversity and mediocrity. That substrand could take us into some strange directions, since some immigrant cliques, for example the Korean and Viet Namese, have taken base "line American industriousness" and 'raised it one.' ;) If our local Bulgarian friend, Stanko, is any example, I'd venture to say any number of the recent Eastern Bloc immigrants have done similarly.

If you look at how fast the Japanese industrialized after the 1850's, and how the Germans progressed in leaps and bounds ahead of their peers in the industrial revolution, the "cultural work ethic" theme is not to be discounted.

Which makes one wonder how much more untapped potential China has, if it can hang together.

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In Memory of Pete

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What issues do you think are most important - by Occhidiangela - 12-13-2004, 05:37 AM

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