What issues do you think are most important
Minionman,Dec 9 2004, 04:47 AM Wrote:No, the thesis takes up too much time, so she has less time to write fiction.  At least that's what I think it meant.

Yeah. As a senior English major with a concentration in creative writing, I can either do
-- a) a portfolio containing all my workshopped pieces plus a research paper in a 300 level English course that has a B grade or higher
-- e) a research thesis (~50 pages)
-- c) an Honors research thesis (~70 pages)
-- d) an Honors creative thesis: 40-50 poems or 75+ pages of fiction

My pet fiction project is a technopunk story. It asks, "can magic/fantasy coexist with technology? Can one develop or hinder the other?" And it gives me the chance to make bizarre conspiracy theories, pound home a couple moral lessons, and develop some dynamic characters. Alas...

...thesis work keeps me from writing it. My honors thesis is creative nonfiction about my life done a'la James Burke's Connections. (Where one event leads to another until several events are linked in a circle, and they all relate to a larger theme.) It sends me on an emotional roller coaster every time I sit down to write it, and having Captain Cardigan as your advisor doesn't help much either. (He is teh Canuck master of poetry and creative nonfiction.) It's ~40 pages I'm happy with and ~40 pages I absolutely despise and the Cap'n is disappointed with me and my latest turn-in because...

...exams keep me from fixing it. I have a Japanese exam, an art history exam, three 1K-2K word essays on world geography, a 4K research paper on Egyptian style at the Hadrian's Villa Adriana at Tivoli, and a 60 page creative writing workshop portfolio to edit. And it's all gotta be done by next Wednesday.


Note to all college-age Lurkers: 16 credit-hours + honors thesis + senior year = BAD IDEA.

I intend to spend J-term working on my thesis and playing computer and console games until my brains fall out. And other activities. But mostly a well-deserved (IMO) break for all the busywork I've had to do this semester.

But anyway...

Ashkael brings up a good point. International relations between the US and other countries stink. After 9/11, the US got a lot of support from the strangest of places. (Hell, even France was sympathetic, and the French don't really like Americans!) But America squandered that goodwill.

And you know what's really going to suck? The next president has to deal with the backwash and the conservative-biased media will attack him/her for the way international politics are, even though Shrub made the mess.
UPDATE: Spamblaster.

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What issues do you think are most important - by Count Duckula - 12-09-2004, 07:29 AM

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