December Guildwars Beta weekend is active
Tooting my own horn here, but I've written up the first of hopefully many GW overviews, this one concentrating on game commands.

I'll be updating over at that forum, but here's the current draft:

Controls overview:
--Modifier keys
--Target announcements & Suggested protocol

General GW Resources:
Basic Keyboard Commands:
General Mouse control:

Holding modifier keys

Control will display player names
Control + action will announce any action in chat, in addition to the action taken
Control + Target will announce target, and allow allies to select the same target by hitting T

*Note, you may shift click enemies to select targets without taking default attack action, or select by keyboard commands.

Selected targets may be priority target announced without attacking by holding shift alongside control click.

You may click on enemy red health bar to target. Use control shift click on enemy red health bar to announce without attacking. Or, if one cannot be bothered to hold shift, ctrl-click their red health bar, and hit backwards to cancel the attack action.

Suggested Protocol for target-announcement:
Designate one primary Targetter. Optimally, whoever is meant to lure, or take point--the most forward position. Primary targetter will announce targets as enemies are killed. Other party members shall generally refrain from targetting until case B)

Case A)
When a target mistake is made, announce the correct target twice in rapid succession to gain attention of party.

Case B)
When a higher priority target is seen, such as a spellcaster or enemy healer, announce target every few seconds, and shout in chat target name (Get abbot! Boss!) as necessary to gain party attention.

Clicking on your minimap will "ping" the map, creating a red dot and small red circle for everyone. Allies will also hear a small bell ring sound.
--Very useful to ping minimap when dead to announce location of corpse.

Click and drag the mouse over minimap to make attack path announcements and amusing sketches.

Use Target announcement (ctrl-target select) and minimap pings to coordinate high priority targets, attack & retreat paths, and announce incoming enemies.

Double tap forward (W) will initiate auto-run. You will run forward until interrupted, either by moving forward, backwards or enemy skills.

With auto-run, freeing this hand, use this opportunity to scan the battlefield, or click/press skill buttons. Less attention spent on automatic activities = golden.

Strafe left and right with Q and E. Strafing increases the potential to dodge enemy ranged fire.

With both auto-run and strafe under your disposal, your life span under fire will be increased.

When facing pure melee enemies, don't bother strafing as much. Run in curves and circles. This keeps the enemy within range of your friends skills, and they're better able to help you.

About Targeting:
Important! Learn the targetting keys,
Tab (next target),
C, Closest target
Z, Target Self (not always necessary)

If no ally target is selected, or an enemy target is selected when using a spell meant to casts on ally, you will automatically cast it on self. No need to target self in this case.

In the team least of names, clicking on your teammates names will target them. This includes yourself.

You may also target enemies this way. Once you select enemies with keyboard commands, their red health bar will appear on top of your screen with their name. Ctrl click this red bar to announce this target to your allies, or shift ctrl click to announce without attacking.

Click target enemy will act as target + default attack
Click target item will have your character move to and pick up the item
Click target ally will simply target your ally

Hold Shift + Click will target without default attack.
--It is my opinion that tab (next target) and C keyboard shortcuts are generally more productive than Shift click targetting. Use keyboard shortcuts and watch enemy names, health % and statuses.
--At very close range, click-targetting has its uses when watching for melee ally attacks.
--Click targeting has its uses, but it is the opinion of this player that the mouse should be reserved for scanning the battlefield with mouse-look, ping the minimap, or click on skills. Clicking to target is very attention intensive and time consuming. I do not recommend mouse-clicking to target for your main means to target mid-battle.
--Use the mouse to click target pre-battle, when you have time and attention to spare. This means ambushes, and luring, before heavy combat actually begins.

Hold right mouse button and move the mouse around to scan the battlefiend from your current position.

If you target an ally, and hit spacebar, you will follow. Spacebar will follow most targets, follow and attack enemies, and pick up items. Use Follow to save on running around.

Messages In This Thread
December Guildwars Beta weekend is active - by Drasca - 12-07-2004, 01:06 PM

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