Druid helm display bug
I was playing my new poison creeper druid(no shifting;may use an elemental skill later) in single player, and found the diggler in act2 normal. As it was much better than anything I had found so far, I figured I'd use it as my weapon for a while(a druid looks REAL silly attacking with a wavy dagger BTW).

As I was using it I noticed something odd: while my character was completing the attack animation with the dagger, his helm disapeared from his head(a non magic wolf helm). The helm disapears for most of the attack animation. This happens alot of the time when attacking with a dagger class weapon. Sometimes the helm stayed on my head, sometimes it disapears.

I logged on with a higher lvl druid who uses Jalal's and bought a dagger. Same effect, when attacking with a dagger type weapon in human form, druid helms disapear from your character's head.

It is definitely just an animation bug, but I've never heard it mentioned before so I figured I'd post it.

Does anyone know if this is just the "wolf head" looking druid helms or all druid helms? Also, I was hoping someone could confirm this so I can be sure it's just not my computer...

Messages In This Thread
Druid helm display bug - by Baajikiil - 04-06-2003, 01:06 PM
Druid helm display bug - by icelord - 04-07-2003, 12:28 AM
Druid helm display bug - by Baajikiil - 04-07-2003, 05:00 PM

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