What will liberals say if Frist runs in 2008?
Ghostiger,Nov 6 2004, 03:44 PM Wrote:I was wondering about this. Im guessing hell be the canidate.

Liberals will hate him because hes pretty much a social conservative. But they will lose the major major ammo they had to throw at Bush.
Frist is smart if not brialliant.
He has a humanitarian record.
Hes not in so tight with big busieness.

I suspect it will be him against Hillary. Should make for a different fight if they both make it to the finals.

The ammo thrown at Bush was because it is easy to find something against Bush.

Further I don't know this guy you are talking about, but I see no reason that the republicans would send a humanitarian who is not in with big business. They saw that they can make the american people choose Bush, now they want more and try to find an even more conservative, war-loving, person. Maybe Rumsfeld, Maybe Rice, man maybe even Bill O'Reilly. And I cannot blame them for doing that, what would you do?

For the republicans now (in 4 years) to send a "nice" guy would mean that they would lose their momentum.

Messages In This Thread
What will liberals say if Frist runs in 2008? - by Guest - 11-06-2004, 03:44 PM
What will liberals say if Frist runs in 2008? - by Guest - 11-06-2004, 11:53 PM
What will liberals say if Frist runs in 2008? - by eppie - 11-08-2004, 09:07 AM

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