Racial Traits Revealed...
Valamyr,Nov 7 2004, 07:45 PM Wrote:Orcs: +5 1H & 2H Axes; +25% Str but 5% hp loss every 3 sec & lasts 20sec; +5% pet melee dmg; +25% chance to resist stun/knockout

The 25% stun resist is nice, but I am not sure if it will be relevant in a lot of aspects. Currently only a few stun skills can be resisted, and thus are treated as spells. Most skills are treated as melee attacks, and can miss, be dodged/blocked/parried. I am wondering if this will be useful at all in light of this.

Messages In This Thread
Racial Traits Revealed... - by Magicbag - 11-05-2004, 09:29 PM
Racial Traits Revealed... - by MongoJerry - 11-05-2004, 10:07 PM
Racial Traits Revealed... - by Guest - 11-05-2004, 10:33 PM
Racial Traits Revealed... - by LavCat - 11-07-2004, 01:56 AM
Racial Traits Revealed... - by Guest - 11-07-2004, 03:33 AM
Racial Traits Revealed... - by Treesh - 11-07-2004, 05:18 AM
Racial Traits Revealed... - by Valamyr - 11-07-2004, 07:45 PM
Racial Traits Revealed... - by smithy - 11-07-2004, 08:04 PM
Racial Traits Revealed... - by Valamyr - 11-07-2004, 08:11 PM
Racial Traits Revealed... - by MongoJerry - 11-07-2004, 09:29 PM
Racial Traits Revealed... - by lemekim - 11-07-2004, 09:41 PM
Racial Traits Revealed... - by Valamyr - 11-07-2004, 09:53 PM

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