This just in...
MongoJerry,Nov 5 2004, 06:57 AM Wrote:We had a mini-discussion about this today -- about how you keep creating so many characters that you never see any of the high end content.  Of course, new patches will seem like they don't change things very much to you, because you keep going to the same areas over and over again and doing the same things over and over again.

Mongo, Mongo. I know you like this game a lot. I think you're a bit too close to it as a result. Step back a bit and look at things critically.

Back in late August/early September I figured I'd create a char on the PvP server so that I could get a start before they implement their PvP system. This would let me test it out and get a feel for whether or not I'd want to play PvP or non-PvP for the release.

Months later, I'm still waiting. Consider this: WoW is going to ship with no PvP system. We're not talking about nit-picky little things that you find at the high-end game, which you claim I haven't experienced, although I have - zones with virtually no quests, unfinished ghost "towns" with no NPCs, broken quest events, etc. We're talking about a fundamental gameplay mechanic! One that drives the very core of the game on the PvP servers, and it's NOT DONE!

What else? Shall I care to mention? Warlocks last patch got a whole slew of new spells to use at the high-end (over char level 40), including such treats as a group fear spell. These new spells change the gameplay dynamic quite a bit, especially when PvP is factored in - yet, they're the only class to get this treatment. The other classes haven't gotten any love past level 40 - just more powerful versions of the same spells you've all gotten by level 30.

See, fact is, up to level 25-30 the game's awesome, and highly polished. This will let Blizzard fool a lot of newcomers into thinking the game's really finished. Until those level 25-30's start playing in the contested zones on a PvP server and encounter level 60 after level 60 ganking them night after night for kicks because there's no PvP system implemented. Until those level 25-30's start hitting the zones that are unfinished as they creep up in levels. Until those level 25-30's start seeing that there are no new spells to get anymore. Then the holes start to show.

You can add all the content, zones, monsters, items, hero classes, etc all you want after a game's release. That's not what I'm complaining about. What I'm complaining about is that core gameplay mechanics - the spells, talents, and balance of the characters, the very gameplay mechanic of PvP - has not been fleshed out. It took Blizzard FIVE patches to get the Mage right when the beta started. FIVE! Paladins and Hunters haven't even begun that process!

The argument that "WoW is better polished than any other MMORPG out there" is complete bunk. It is an attitude that has crept into the gaming conciousness like a plague and allows companies to get away with putting out crap before it's ready. I was so utterly stunned when people lined up in droves to play SWG. And once again, people will line up in droves to play WoW. I know it's not fair to compare SWG to WoW - World of Warcraft is light-years (pun intended) better than Star Wars Galaxies - but it's still NOT finished!

Please stop misinterpreting my statement of "not finished." I know MMORPGs are never finished. There's always new content to add. But before that process starts, you have to get the basic gameplay mechanics down pat. And that has not been done. The nerf bat will be swinging hard and often post-release, and the gamers will be incredibly unhappy. At least I can say "I told you so" this early.

All I can do is vote with my dollars. And WoW isn't getting them. Once again, another MMORPG will ask its userbase to pay to play a beta. And they will, perpetuating the chain...


Edit: I may just want to add: those who have been around for years know how I tend to gush about Blizzard games - that despite their flaws, they tend to be the most polished in the business. I stuck up for D2 even in the beginning when things are bad. You may want to take that into consideration when you see me bashing WoW. I loved this game up until November 3, 2004, when I learned it was coming out in less than 3 weeks. Why? Because each patch has helped make the game better overall, and it really looked like this would be one of the best games I had EVER played - in April-June of 2005, perhaps.

Oh well.
Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.

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