11-05-2004, 04:08 AM
Bolty,Nov 4 2004, 10:47 PM Wrote:http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.a...&tmp=1#post8945
Wow, and the gaming populace might actually get to use them just 2 WEEKS before release! Imagine the deep balancing that can happen in just that short time!
Translation: Paladins will be nerfed heavily after game goes retail. You've been warned.
Alas, I can't see that thread since the forum servers have crumbled again. As have the game servers.
This is not looking good, long-term. Balancing things is so much tougher after release, since you have to contend with the megawhinage from people whose builds are compromised.
I was really hoping they'd get the basic class skills, spells and talents in good order before release so the constant annoyance of tweaking here and there could be avoided. Doesn't look that way, though.
I was also hoping server stability would be better by now. That's critical for casual players who must sieze free hours when they happen.