How I believe GA and pierce should work together
Nice, but what you're talking about here is how guided arrow should interact with shields, I only wondered how it should interact with pierce. Continuously zooming on chars features, we could discuss like this forever, don't you think ?

GA piercing shields is strange. In that very case, maybe the best thing would be to make GA vanish after it hits a shield. The very idea of an arrow (GA or non GA) piercing a shield without making it burst is a non-sense (*** leather armours not rotting while bearing a sorc's firewall is also a non-sense, but oh well, we can't go much into details I fear... this game isn't meant to be that realistic).

I think it would be fair for PvPers that if a GA is blocked by a shield, GA stops just after that. Would prevent zons from being able to keep shield-wearing chars at distance by spamming GA. How does that sound to you, now :

- if GA hits a target (non shield), it goes through it once and no more.

- if GA hits a shield, it can't go through it (or else, to be realistic, the shield and the player would have to be hit, and to be honnest, the shield should go "bye bye").

Still a shield-wearing PvPer could be hit twice by a same GA, but diminished by the chance the shield blocks, and if the first block succeeds, there would be no further GA hitting. Say you have 75% chance to block, your overall chance to be hit twice by a same GA is 0.25 if your opponent has 100% pierce. Not that hard to accept, I hope.

He he, as if we were in charge of programming those things for Blizzard :P Well, 1.10 patch is said to enhance mods possibilities, and make them be easier. If they nerf GA and pierce purely and simply, I'll think about getting into some mod modifying it.
--- ALnitak --->

Dexazon-devoted single player

Artemis - level 99 windexazon - 673 dex so far (reachable goal : 737 dex)

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How I believe GA and pierce should work together - by ALnitak - 04-04-2003, 05:26 PM

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