10-21-2004, 08:34 PM
whathuh,Oct 21 2004, 10:47 AM Wrote:So an incredibly lucky item drop could be:
3 unique items +nonunique last,
3 more unique items + nonunique last,
10 sets of 3 unique items and a nonmagic last,
5 gold piles and 4 potions.
No, but close and it does require an extreamly long sequence of fairly exact event to occur.
It would instead be
3 unique items + nonunique last,
3 more unique items + nonunique last,
10 sets of 3 magic items and a +misc/junk last,
5 gold piles and 4 potions.
The +misc/junk would need to be things like gold piles, runes, potions, gems, arrows/bolts, scrolls, etc. Items that are never have any magical value associated with them.
The switch to case 6 would be making the remaining drop with a default value of magic instead of unique.
Quote:The main reason I gave the sabre situation is because I have found just one item from these special chests tons of times, holding only a unique/set/rare.This is most likely due to popping these chests in games that are at a player count of 1 for determining the NoDrop value to use. In a single player game the distribution items picke to NoDrops tend to favor a chest only dropping 0 or 1 item per pass of the chest TC even though the chest TCs have 4 picks in them (strong bias for the item drop count to be 1 at this player count level out of the possible range of 0-4 items generated). This is most likely why you end up seeing only the one item dropped as it is kept track of even if it generated on the first of the 4 picks and the remaining 3 end up NoDrops.
If you push the player count up to 8 (which would actually require 8 partied players together in same named area) the NoDrop value would be adjusted to a much smaller number and you would typically see a pass of the chest TCs generating 4 and sometimes 3 items per pass of chest TC. The /player8 setting in SP would be somewhat inbetween and you should see typically 2-3 items dropped from each pass of a chest TC. That is why I suggested using that setting earlier to better see the results of popping special chests and pointed to the one area of the game that is far richer in the number of special chest than any other area in all the acts (should be between 10 and 15 special chests in the AS from what I remember of the layouts of the false end sections).
Quote:That would be NUTS, 36 items, 33 being unique.....this is what I originally thought as impossible :SAs I noted here, most would actually be magical not unique in this extreme case. Also note that the odds of getting such an event of such magnitude are extremly remote. A more modest amount of about half that size can sometimes be encountered in higher player count games though. I have personally had several incidents of getting 4 or 5 rares and about a dozen magic items to go with them from a single special chest drop. I was even 'lucky' enough to have had a 6 unique drop (with 1 misc item) once, but they were all uniques that have no real value to player desires. :rolleyes:
Edit: 48 items, 10 non-magical, 2 non--unique.
It is also worth noting right now that when using the <ALT> key to display items that only 32 items that are on the screen will have a text displayed for them. You would need to pick up some of the items to clear list space to see all that actually dropped. This is why sometimes players find a nice item on the cow level 10 to 15 minutes after a run game; the nice item was too far down on most players display lists to end up being shown at first. After some item decay set in the list was low enough for a later player to see the item.