What does Requirements -nn do?
vmxa,Oct 18 2004, 09:24 PM Wrote:What I am seeing is that even with several items having -20 or -25 Requirements, it does not allow me to use a weapon with Dex 120.

I had about 81 in Dex with a small item boost. I was not able to use the two handed weapon.

I have changede some gear to get to 117 Dex and still cannot use it. So the items with requiremens -20 or -25 had no effect on it. So I guess it is only for the item that has that trait/attribute.

It is a unique called ARIOC's Needle. A Hyperion Spear:

105-359 /very fast attack/20% ehnaced dmg/
+393 poison over 10 seconds
30% IAS
Ignore target defense
+4 all skill levels
50% Deadly Strike
Exactly what does Deadly Strike do anyway?
-req works only on the item it is socketed on. If you put it in arioc's needle, it would display a lower requirement for str/dex based on the -req %.

Deadly strike doubles damage, but does not work in conjunction with critical strikes. Pretty much, you first roll for critical strike. If that misses, you roll for a deadly strike. Therefore, your 50% deadly strike on the weapon and say a 50% critical strike would not equal 100% double damage. A simple (or complex) math formula can tell you what your effective % double damage really is with critical and deadly strike both on the same character, but it has to do with combinations or permutations and I dont care enough right now to figure it out.

Edit: wow, looks like adeyke beat me to it by 3 minutes...
What is the judicial system coming to when child molesters get 5 years and cottage cheese gets 30.

Messages In This Thread
What does Requirements -nn do? - by vmxa - 10-19-2004, 01:24 AM
What does Requirements -nn do? - by adeyke - 10-19-2004, 01:48 AM
What does Requirements -nn do? - by whathuh - 10-19-2004, 01:51 AM
What does Requirements -nn do? - by adeyke - 10-19-2004, 02:07 AM
What does Requirements -nn do? - by vmxa - 10-19-2004, 03:49 AM
What does Requirements -nn do? - by vmxa - 10-19-2004, 04:44 AM
What does Requirements -nn do? - by adeyke - 10-19-2004, 04:48 AM
What does Requirements -nn do? - by whathuh - 10-19-2004, 05:01 AM
What does Requirements -nn do? - by vmxa - 10-19-2004, 03:06 PM

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