Good Barb Build?
Hey guys, just wondering what a good build for barbs in last one was a 1.09 s/s barb and he doesnt quite cut the cake in 1.10 if u get my drift. i was thinking making a mace barb using mauls, but what about stat/skill point distribution? is dex needed on a mace barb? please give me some feedback. Thanks! :huh:


BTW: I do not have godly equipment on ladder, so keep that in mind.
[Image: DakkonBlackblade.jpg]

"My power is as vast as the plains, my strength is that of mountains. Each wave that crashes upon the shore thunders like blood in my veins." - Dakkon Blackblade, Memoirs

Messages In This Thread
Good Barb Build? - by AngryMob - 10-18-2004, 08:19 PM
Good Barb Build? - by Little Faith - 10-18-2004, 09:55 PM
Good Barb Build? - by Remmiz - 10-19-2004, 02:00 PM
Good Barb Build? - by AngryMob - 10-20-2004, 01:55 PM
Good Barb Build? - by Little Faith - 10-20-2004, 03:47 PM

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