04-04-2003, 05:28 AM
Elric of Grans,Apr 3 2003, 11:10 PM Wrote:Hail LavCat,My Cheeseazon (Buriza, multi, guided, lots of mf...very high valk, might merc...5k damage) )has Penetrate maxed, almost 400 dex, and well, I should check her AR one day.
My Amazons generally end up with 200 base Dex, as well as a little +dex, and have slvl5 Pennetrate, with +skills, and maybe a little +AR. They have no troubles.
Elves have an innate ITD ability that even works against bosses :lol:
The dex is pumped for damage, but the Penetrate came from an observation from a German semi-friend of mine, about countless Amazons spraying maxed multishot yet not really hitting that many targets.
Umm, I'm rambling again. Anyways. I don't think AR is really that important (as in it's not important enough, same as DR) in the end. Because it has surprisingly little effect compared to the clvl/mlvl comparison, so really the only use I see for really pumping the AR is for variants of the type that can't replay any areas. (and even that much less so since the players x command)