09-29-2004, 06:26 PM
Zingydex,Sep 29 2004, 08:02 AM Wrote:Well, being a frequent ATMA user myself, I can compile a listing of assorted uniques and the monsters most likely to drop them. A couple I've looked up quite frequently and can tell you off the top of my head:
SoJ - NM Andariel
Gull - Normal Coldcrow (superunique in Cave Level 1 below the Cold Plains)
For anything else, I'd need just a little time (to run the drop calculator and take notes), and I'd need to know what you're looking for. The longer the list, the longer it'll take, but I'll manage. And never mind the Nobel Prize. :)
The problem is just that the monster with the highest probability isn't necessarily the best source of an item. You also have to factor in how many of that monster you can kill in a given time and how safe it is to do so. As a hypothetical example, if hell Baal had a 1% chance of dropping something but normal cows had a 0.9% chance, the cows would be much, much better, even though their probability per kill is lower.