09-10-2004, 03:29 PM
Quote:That doesn't necessarily mean you have to collapse of course. Just take a little more time to think through your reply and don't accuse people of doing stuff they're not doing just because you're struggling
You are also starting?? :D
Okay then, my working day is over I have a little more time, shall I now take evry bit of the previous four posts and tell what is wrong with it? Or shall I just give a reply that makes sense.
Quote:See your own opening line QUOTE
It has always been there and it wil always be
OK, make up your mind, which is it?
It just is a pity that some presidential candidate makes us think we can.
I hope you did not mean that, I hope that is a slip of your not native English accidentally coming out. If you accept that the hot air being spouted in our Presidential race can make you think X, Y, or Z, then you admit to being so easy to fool as to be almost useless as a voter. You think for yourself, they will try to sell a lot of folks a lot of soap.
Rogue out
Occhi knows more or less how I think about the subject, and he knows, that I'm not the one that let's is head get crazy by the BS Bush says. (instead of BS i wanted to say minchiate, but only Occhi would understand that :D )
It seems that my very respected colleague lounge member had been drinking a bit to much caffeine, so that he after my correction of his Italian got a bit cranky and started to disect my post, to get out all the mistakes which as a non native english speaker I write down more often. (correcting a site admin probabaly made me deserve this, but to spend another 10 sentences in saying I should have written a longer reply was a bit overdone brista)
But anyway, we are here to do what we like most (or at least a lot) and that is discussing nice topics, so I f you all agree we keep it like this and continue with the subject that dozer made us aware of. :D
So what I was saying..
Quote:I did not see the little film dozer linked to, and you now my thought about the whole Iraq/bush/terrorism questions. But I do think that the ony ones that are to blame for 9/11 are bin laden and his crew
This lines showed very clearly who I blame for these terrorist attacks.
Let's take the example of Israel. As long as the situation stay like this there will be suicide bombings. To blame are the bombers of course, but like my parents always told me when I was fighting with my younger sister, "try to be the most inteligent", continuing raiding palistin villages is not the most inteligent and will not end terrorism. You have to understand that as the most powerful of the two parties in the conflict this might happen. If the palestinains would be strong enough to form an army they would not commit suicide bombings but they would go to war.
What might end terrorism is to deport every palastinian to Iran, but that is not really an option is it.
Take northern Ireland, also a conflict between to religions, it does not stop if both parties continue attacking eacother. Now it seems to be more quiet and that is because a dialogue was started. (the correct thing to do)
The muslim terrorism that we have nowadays will stop if you kill al muslims or let every westerner commit suicide. Not really an option is it? Making this war on terrorism, with which you stress that there is a muslim against christian conflict will only make things worse.
Make sure you protect your borders, and you citizens. Use your inteligence to send a group of commandos to kill terrorists and wait. Like this you don't have to kill innocent people and the chance of terrorist attacks on your people will be smaller.
The most important thing I would like to say is that if you just put normal people from, differnt countries and religion together, they will get along just fine. as soon as you put somebody there that's want to be in charge and tells these people they should hate eachother that things go wrong.