So, what the opinion of the stress testers of WoW?
I guess here's the run-down of mine.

I've been playing a NE rogue, making it to lvl 20, and a Human Paladin, to lvl 12. The paladin was on a PvE server, the rogue is on a PvP one.

What do I think of WoW?

Well, for instance, there's the lag spikes. Now, I know that it is a stress test. But horrendous lag, at 6 am, with 700 people on a server? :blink: I won't say another word about them, as I only died twice due to them.

I'll ignore the commonly-occuring crashes, for the sake of argument.

Then there's the graphics. Pretty, but nothing special. The "Things are invisible, until you are within 75 meters of them" effect pretty much spoils them, if you are looking at the horison. The game also runs pretty slow, for the graphics quality. Especially when I take a griffon flight, into, say, Stormwind. Enough about graphics.

The audio is allright - nothing memorable, nothing bad.

Now, the gameplay...

It may be just a temporary occurance, but I am completely stumped at level 20. I can't find any more quests that aren't orange, red, or green to me, except for the Duskwood spiders... Due to the slow exp gain, which I was suffering from since level 19, I seem to be spending more time farming areas for the sake of farming areas. The quests I have are too difficult to do, even for a party of my level; killing the lvl 26 gnolls in Redridge, the Elite uniques there, and the quests in Blackfantom Deeps. That can of course be amended, later in development. I've hit a similar roadblock before, at level 14, though it went along great, after I got out of the NE areas.

PvE combat, at least as a rogue, has some strategy involved - choosing whether to Sap, garotte, or simply pull, avoiding getting spotted by enemies are all part of it. However, once the fight begins in earnest, if it's a solo fight, it's either Gouche/Backstab spam, or use of Sinister Strike/Eviscerate in group situations, with an evade thrown in every so often. Due to the nature of the skills, it seems that pretty much every character will use the same ones...

PvP combat, on the other hand, has little depth. I have been in several large-scale attacks on Horde territory, and one small-scale assault. The large-scale attacks usually went well... Right up until we died. Due to the chaotic nature of such engagements, there is no feeling of accomplishment when you kill an enemy, as there are 30 more behind him. I have pretty much given up on that kind of combat.

I have also invited another rogue, a lvl 16 to join me in the barrens - that assault was much more sucessfull. We were doing pretty well, at something like 50 kills, 14 deaths, but again, there was not much strategy involved in combat. Go for the mages, backstab, backstab, gouche the fighter, finish the mage, if he runs, use throwing dagger. Drink a potion, if you are in really big trouble, then gouche/bastab/eviscerate the fighter.

The quest system is allright - if it weren't for the horrendous spawn/drop rates for some enemies, and it's not because other groups are going for that quest too... I know that that can very well be amended on release.

So far, I'm not all that excited about WoW. Meh.

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So, what the opinion of the stress testers of WoW? - by Swiss Mercenary - 09-09-2004, 03:34 PM

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