Shadow Assassin
Hello all. I am new to Diablo 2 and I have a question.
I am building an assassin and I am considering putting all the skill points into the shadow disciplines. They seem like they would be really powerful. So far I have put 4 into claw mastery, 6 into burst of speed, 5 into weapon block and one into each of psychic hammer and cloak of shadows.
I plan on using the shadow warriors a lot when i get there.
Is it worth it to put a lot into claw mastery and weapon block? Should I put more into cloak of shadows instead of just the one (as a prereq.)?
Thanx for any advice.

Messages In This Thread
Shadow Assassin - by xanaxadu - 09-02-2004, 05:13 AM
Shadow Assassin - by ryan4nayr - 09-06-2004, 05:04 PM
Shadow Assassin - by bigeyedbug - 09-06-2004, 10:25 PM

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