09-01-2004, 08:06 AM
If you are waiting for the video showing OBL and Saddam discussing how to best use Iraq's WMD stockpile on terror campaigns then you are right -- this evidence and intelligence is flimsy. Too bad Micheal Moore couldn't throw together a "documentary" showing us just that.
But, hmmm, who else was fooled?
As for the point; a connection between Iraq and OBL -- I'll be looking for the video evidence sufficient to convince you. Even then, I think you would still believe it to be forged. This court case is interesting in its linkages, IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - 9/11 Victims versus OBL, Al Queda, Taliban, Afghanistan and Iraq and I could offer you any number of descriptions for the activities of UNIT 999, but it really wouldn't matter, would it?
But, hmmm, who else was fooled?
Quote:I have said publicly for years that weapons of mass destruction in the hands of Saddam Hussein pose a real and grave threat to our security and that of our allies in the Persian Gulf region. Saddam Hussein's record bears this out.
I have talked about that record. Iraq never fully accounted for the major gaps and inconsistencies in declarations provided to the inspectors of the pre-Gulf war weapons of mass destruction program, nor did the Iraq regime provide credible proof that it had completely destroyed its weapons and production infrastructure.
He has continually failed to meet the obligations imposed by the international community on Iraq at the end of the Persian Gulf the Iraqi regime provide credible proof war to declare and destroy its weapons of mass destruction and delivery systems and to forego the development of nuclear weapons. during the 7 years of weapons inspections, the Iraqi regime repeatedly frustrated the work of the UNSCOM--Special Commission--inspectors, culminating in 1998 in their ouster. Even during the period of inspections, Iraq never fully accounted for major gaps and inconsistencies in declarations provided to the inspectors of its pre-gulf war WMD programs, nor did the Iraqi regime provide credible proof that it had completely destroyed its weapons stockpiles and production infrastructure.John Kerry (member of the Senate Intelligence Committee) - Senate Speech October 9, 2002
As for the point; a connection between Iraq and OBL -- I'll be looking for the video evidence sufficient to convince you. Even then, I think you would still believe it to be forged. This court case is interesting in its linkages, IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - 9/11 Victims versus OBL, Al Queda, Taliban, Afghanistan and Iraq and I could offer you any number of descriptions for the activities of UNIT 999, but it really wouldn't matter, would it?
Quote:Germany Expels Jordanian Said Linked to Zarqawi -- 8/27/2004I don't know. It looks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck. So, I think it is a duck.
Germany has expelled a Jordanian suspected of links to a terrorist group run by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who is wanted for launching several attacks in Iraq, the Bavarian state interior ministry said Friday. The man, identified only as Osama A., was sent to a German prison in late 2002 on suspicion of belonging to Zarqawi's al-Tawhid group, but was released the following January. The Bavarian authorities said he is a danger to public order and safety and was responsible for gathering together donations for al-Tawhid in the area around Munich, southern Germany. He was expelled to Jordan. Al-Tawhid is accused of preparing a number of attacks against Jewish interests in Germany. Its stated aims are to overthrow the state of Jordan and kill all Jews. Osama A. came to Germany in 1996 claiming to be a refugee from Iraq but his real identity was discovered some time later. Zarqawi, also a Jordanian, is suspected of ties to Osama bin Laden but unlike the Al-Qaeda network leader he has not appeared in video tapes. (AFP)