It's here....
Well, I can report it's *not* the SCSI controllers of the motherboard. Since the download, in many trials, I have not made it to the game. Only once have I reached as far as to the gryphon screen. DII at least loads, but it does not go long before the system freezes.

I guess this weekend I will be doing system shopping. I'm going in the hospital for a bit next week, and I'd like to get the stuff on order so I have something to come home to besides dead petunias and a dehydrated cat.

To my knowledge you are entirely correct about the hyperthreading and XP. Maybe it's my imagination but with single thread machines, something always wants to take the cursor. I find that rude and annoying.

I was watching the processor loading while the patch was being applied. One CPU was pretty much max, while the second was 50-70%.

I can't start a poll of course, but which processors play WoW better? I read a recent review on AnandTech that for Doom at least, the AMD parts gave much higher frame rates. I also read a recent review in one of the trade magazines that for workstations under heavy load dual Xeons beat dual Opterons hands down, even though when lightly loaded the Opterons were faster.

Has anyone here yet tried running WoW on a socket 939 system?

Edit: Spelling.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."

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